Additional charges
- Additional charge for a journey without a required travel document (ticket):
- paid immediately to the ticket inspector or within 7 days – 200.00 zł,
- paid at a later date – 400.00 zł.
- Additional charge for a journey without a valid document which confirms the right to free or reduced fare travel:
- paid immediately to the ticket inspector or within 7 days – 180.00 zł,
- paid at a later date – 360.00 zł.
- For violation of provisions regarding the transport of forbidden items:
- paid immediately to the ticket inspector or within 7 days – 160.00 zł,
- paid at a later date – 320.00 zł.
- Additional charge for stopping or changing the direction of a vehicle without a justified reason:
- paid immediately to the ticket inspector or within 7 days – 500.00 zł,
- paid at a later date – 1000.00 zł.
- Administrative charge for refunding additional charge or issuing demand for payment in the case of their cancellation – 6.00 zł.
In the case the additional charge is not paid to the ticket inspector or within 7 days from the date of journey, it is increased by 100%.