Transport of animals
The passenger may transport dogs and other pets in vehicles free of charge, if it is possible to place them in the vehicle so that:
- they do not impede passage and do not expose the co-passengers’ clothing to contamination or damage,
- do not obscure the visibility of the driver,
- they do not threaten the safety of traffic and co-passengers.
The main principles that should be observed by the owner travelling with their pet:
- The owner cannot place the pet on a seat.
- The animal may not be burdensome to other passengers.
- Domestic animals are transported in an appropriate manner (e.g. in cages), preventing them from escaping and causing damage.
- Dogs are kept on a leash and wear a muzzle. The exceptions are guide dogs of the blind and dogs assisting the disabled.
- Dogs of miniature breeds (e.g. York, Chihuahua, etc.) and hybrids in the type of these breeds, can be transported without a leash and muzzle, provided that they are held in the arms of the owner or otherwise prevented from moving freely around the vehicle.
Please note that the owner of the animal is responsible for the possible damage and contamination caused by the animal in the vehicle.
It is not allowed to transport farm animals, livestock and animals dangerous for human life and health, specified in the ordinance of the Minister of the Environment of 3 August 2011 (Dz.U. (Journal of Laws) of 2011 No. 173, item 1037).